Apply for Board of Director Position at Skyland Fire & Rescue:
To be eligible, a person must be eighteen years of age, must reside or own real property in the Skyland rated fire district, must pay fire taxes within such district, or be a firefighter, Auxiliary member, or a Lifetime Member who lives within 5 miles from the Skyland Fire and Rescue district line and is in good standing with Skyland Fire and Rescue.
Nominations for directors shall be opened from the first day of April until the 31st day of May, at which time no further submissions will be accepted. Nominations shall be posted June 1st at which time nominations will be closed and all nominees will be qualified by residency or membership and through a background check that meets the requirements of the department’s insurance company. All qualified nominations will be placed on ballots provided to the executive committee at least one (1) week prior to the annual meeting.
The Application for Board of Director Position will be located below:
Notwithstanding a change or restrictions by guidance of federal, state, or local government, the annual meeting will be on the 2nd Monday in July each year at 7:30pm.
To be eligible, a person must be eighteen years of age, must reside or own real property in the Skyland rated fire district, must pay fire taxes within such district, or be a firefighter, Auxiliary member, or a Lifetime Member who lives within 5 miles from the Skyland Fire and Rescue district line and is in good standing with Skyland Fire and Rescue.
Nominations for directors shall be opened from the first day of April until the 31st day of May, at which time no further submissions will be accepted. Nominations shall be posted June 1st at which time nominations will be closed and all nominees will be qualified by residency or membership and through a background check that meets the requirements of the department’s insurance company. All qualified nominations will be placed on ballots provided to the executive committee at least one (1) week prior to the annual meeting.
The Application for Board of Director Position will be located below:
Notwithstanding a change or restrictions by guidance of federal, state, or local government, the annual meeting will be on the 2nd Monday in July each year at 7:30pm.